Here are a few thoughts to prayerfully consider. I haven't written this to judge anyone but in the spirit of Hebrews 10:24 I thought I would share them.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
[Hebrews 10:24]
Did I have a time of prayer and bible study today?
Are there things God has done for me today that I need to thank him for?
Are there sins in my life I haven't asked God's forgiveness for?
Do I know anyone who needs a hug, a kind word or a helping hand?
Is there anyone I know who needs encouragement in their Christian walk?
Is there someone I should call or visit or email to let them know I care?
Am I using the gifts and talents God has given me?
Have I taken a few quiet moments to allow God to speak to me?
Have I told God today that I love him?
Is there anyone in my life I need to ask forgiveness of?
Is there anyone in my life I need to forgive?
Are there relationships in my life that need mending?
have I told my loved ones recently that I love them?
Have I shown my loved ones recently that I love them? Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Are there things I need to talk to God about?
Do I know someone who is sad or hurting that I can comfort?
Is God telling me to do something and I haven't done it yet?
Have I prayed for my Church and pastor this week?
Have I prayed for Christians who are suffering for their faith?
Am I being a wise steward of the money God gives me?
Am I becoming more like Jesus?
Am I a doer of the word or just a hearer only?
do I set my mind on things above, not things of this world? [col 3:2]
Here are a few thoughts to prayerfully consider. I haven't written this to judge anyone but in the spirit of Hebrews 10:24 I thought I would share them.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
[Hebrews 10:24]
Did I have a time of prayer and bible study today?
Are there things God has done for me today that I need to thank him for?
Are there sins in my life I haven't asked God's forgiveness for?
Do I know anyone who needs a hug, a kind word or a helping hand?
Is there anyone I know who needs encouragement in their Christian walk?
Is there someone I should call or visit or email to let them know I care?
Am I using the gifts and talents God has given me?
Have I taken a few quiet moments to allow God to speak to me?
Have I told God today that I love him?
Is there anyone in my life I need to ask forgiveness of?
Is there anyone in my life I need to forgive?
Are there relationships in my life that need mending?
have I told my loved ones recently that I love them?
Have I shown my loved ones recently that I love them? Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Are there things I need to talk to God about?
Do I know someone who is sad or hurting that I can comfort?
Is God telling me to do something and I haven't done it yet?
Have I prayed for my Church and pastor this week?
Have I prayed for Christians who are suffering for their faith?
Am I being a wise steward of the money God gives me?
Am I becoming more like Jesus?
Am I a doer of the word or just a hearer only?
do I set my mind on things above, not things of this world? [col 3:2]